Perfect World International Wiki

Bosses are monsters that differ greatly from the average monster. They are more powerful than most other monsters, and it quite often takes an entire squad of players to defeat one. Boss monsters aren't entirely avoidable, since some quests require a player and their squad to defeat one. There are different kinds of bosses in Perfect World: World Boss, FB (Final Boss, or Final Battle), Mini-Boss, and TT.

World Boss[]

A World Boss is a type of boss that can be found throughout Perfect World. They are usually giant and can be identified by the fact that they are all level "?".

Name Hit Points Element Location
Sword Tamer 23,977,103 Metal
Cenminator 23,977,103 None 639, 868
Dipter 23,977,103 Metal 440, 752
Broadkris Drudge 23,977,103 None 438, 471
Sonic Oppressor 23,977,103 Metal 553, 437
Hornska Lord 23,977,103 Earth 653, 390
Soul Hunter 23,977,103 None 658, 434
Shadow Doll 23,977,103 None 659, 524
Ancient Spearman 23,977,103 None 252, 755
Minion of Death 23,977,103 None 172, 787
Machinoslitt 23,977,103 Fire 236, 867
Cerberean Sentinel 23,977,103 Metal 159, 976
Watcher of Chasm 23,977,103 None 289, 963
Mystery of Antiquity 23,977,103 Earth 314, 955
Alphaleus 23,977,103 Metal 162, 427
Auprus Ton 23,977,103 Metal 151, 340
Stonefield Archdemon 9,592,212 Earth 563, 151
Alexor the Butcher 7,814,597 Water 537, 171
Gourman the Shredder 7,814,597 Water 524, 146
Harpy Wraith 15,000,000 Earth 264, 825

FB (Final Boss/Battle)[]

An FB is a type of boss monster that you fight at the ends of certain quests. You get these quests at levels like 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 99, and 109. These quests take place in dungeons and require squads, as it takes a well-leveled, well-equipped squad to even get through the dungeon to the FB. You are first introduced to these quests at level 19, with the Call to Duty quest, in which Humans fight Thromh the Mighty in Firecrag Grotto, Winged Elves fight Poison Tail Occultist in Cave of the Vicious, and Untameds fight Rend Razorjaw in Den of Rabid Wolves.

Name Level HP Element Location Quest level
Poison Tail Occultist 23 108,189 Wood Cave of the Vicious 19, Elf
Thromh the Mighty 23 108,189 Wood Firecrag Grotto 19, Human
Rend Razorjaw 23 108,189 None Den of Rabid Wolves 19, Untamed
Qingzi 35 336,727 Earth Hall of Deception 29
Farren Sereneti 42 296,764 Earth Gate of Delirium 39
Calcid of the Flame 42 296,764 Fire Gate of Delirium 39
Hercule Trioc 43 296,764 Metal Gate of Delirium 39
Fushma - Hexocelot Lieutenant 53 549,478 Earth Secret Frostcover Grounds 49
Rankar - Ferocious Ironskin 53 565,243 Fire Secret Frostcover Grounds 49
Myriadtail Wyvern 54 585,911 Fire Secret Frostcover Grounds 49


Mini-bosses are similar to World Bosses in that they are level "?", but World Bosses have Hit Points in the millions, whereas Mini-bosses have Hit Points in the tens to hundreds of thousands.
Name Hit Points Element Location
Strong 184,903 None 569, 475
Razorteeth Tyrant 184,903 Wood

(656, 952)

Elevation 23

Sutrixx 184,903 None 252, 829
Deiciter White 184,903 Fire 348, 940
Deiciter Black 184,903 Water 237, 935
Snow Bear 184,903 None 161, 732
Desire of the End 184,903 None 106, 408
Earthsharp Clawzard 184,903 None 105, 336
Nightspike Strider 80,000 None 477, 550
Nightspike Cannibal 80,000 None 477, 566

      Chinling Governor                   80,000              None               595 , 811
